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From Our Home to Yours

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Holiday Party Style

Everyday Living

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The merriment continues. Today we are headed downtown to celebrate my birthday as a family. Can’t wait to enjoy time together and take all the wonders of Chicago in during the holiday season…it’s just magical. Christmas is one week away. The celebrations continue with family and friends and I wanted to share a few of […]

Holiday Party Style

Everyday Living

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The merriment continues. Today we are headed downtown to celebrate my birthday as a family. Can’t wait to enjoy time together and take all the wonders of Chicago in during the holiday season…it’s just magical. Christmas is one week away. The celebrations continue with family and friends and I wanted to share a few of […]

“What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”

Everything in life is art.